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Week 6: Daytona Championships

Week 6: Daytona Championships

Week Six

The Daytona 2023 Karting Championships had another exciting week of races, with some familiar faces taking home top honours in their respective Leagues. Richard Marks, Aidan Hammond, Jacob Csepreghi, and Rayaan Malik put on an impressive performance at InKart in Milton Keynes, taking home their winning trophies. Meanwhile Dillon Davis, Chris Phillips, Jude Beaven, and Chris Parkes dominated Thursday Night League. Ben Richardson, Olly Cooper-Welton, Matthew Boulton, and Alex Tucker also put on a strong showing at SuperChamps at Sandown Park, earing top honours in their league.

While it may have been a relatively quiet week for championships, the action at Thursday Night League in Tamworth was anything but. The event was a sell-out with fans and racers alike eagerly anticipating the highly competitive and fast-pasted racing that the league has become known for. With some of the top drivers in the country going head-to-head on the track, the atmosphere was electric, and the racing was as intense as ever.

For those unfamiliar with the Daytona Championships, they are a series of races held at all three of our venues, featuring some of the most talented and skilled drivers in the country. From the fast-paced and exciting InKart to the highly competitive SuperChamps, there is a league to suit every type of driver and every skill level.

Interested in getting involved? There are a number of ways to get started! From open practice sessions to beginner friendly leagues, there are plenty of opportunities to get behind the wheel and experience the thrill of go-kart racing for yourself. And for those who are already seasoned pros, Daytona's championships offer a chance to compete against some of the best drivers in the country, and to hone your skills and improve your performance on track.

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