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SuperChamps 2024: Season One Champions

SuperChamps 2024: Season One Champions

The weekend of 6th April saw a triple SuperChamps finale at Daytona Motorsport, with the final round taking place in Tamworth, Sandown Park and Milton Keynes. See the full season results below, or scroll down to read the final Championship reports:

Daytona Sandown Park Final Results

Daytona Tamworth Final Results

Daytona Milton Keynes Final Results


As the sun came out for the last round of SuperChamps, all the drivers descended onto the track ready to give it their all to secure the highest place they could in their category.


In the DMAX Lightweights we had 3 major title contenders; Archie Bullard was in the strongest position after winning multiple rounds this season and he was looking to dominate to really show the field what he can do. Antonio Sholin needed to score big this weekend to take the fight to Archie and he needed Archie to have his worst round of the season but he was looking confident as he signed in  final time. Lastly we had Tom Brown, a veteran at Daytona who was looking to show the young bucks that he still has it, as he put on his race suit and helmet ready for the day ahead.

In the DMAX Heavyweight category the contenders were William Tidnam who was sitting pretty in first place after dominating all season. Second place was Henry Lopes Gracey who needed a strong performance to secure second place in the championship, and lastly, Daytona veterans Olly Cooper Welton and Justin Hammond who were level on points and both who had been very consistent all season to battle it out for third place.

We kicked off with the DMAX Sprint Race as normal with our Grand Prix format, with the drivers competing on the Alternate track layout. It started off with Antonio, Steve Hannon and Archie Bullard getting a great start, and those three shot off into the distance. By lap five they were 1.5 seconds clear of the rest of the field and still pushing eachother. It seemed Archie was happy to sit in third place and let the other drivers battle it out, as he knew if he stayed in third, it put him in the best possible position going into the final race. Steve Hannon was pressuring Antonio the whole race and made some very daring attempts to take the lead. On lap ten he dived down the inside of turn six, but couldn’t make the move stick. He got ahead under braking but then lost control of the kart for just a split second, allowing Antonio to retake the lead by the time they got to turn seven. Every lap that passed, there was less than a second between all three of them as they continued pulling away from the rest of the pack. By the time they crossed the line, all three were over eight seconds ahead of the rest of the field. It ended Antonio winning, Steve in 2nd and Archie in 3rd.

Further down the field Tom Brown, Yaseen Khan, Charlie Foster, and William Tidnam were having a great battle for positions 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8th for the first half of the race. Tom Brown showing some very very good defensive driving skills, lap after lap, as the field tried to get past him. All the experience that Tom has kept him where he needed to be to claim his third place in the championship, and he looked like he knew that, as he wasn’t taking any of the pressure from the competitors behind him.

Just in front of Brown, Charlie Foster and William Tidnam were having a thrilling battle, with Will in fourth and Charlie in fifth. It seemed that Will had the better traction out of the corners but Charlie could make up some time under braking as these two battled it out lap after lap.

It was during lap 13 where Yaseen made his move and went from p6 all the way to p4, after Will and Charlie got mixed up in the battle behind with Tom and Leo Cusden. The race ended with Yaseen in 4th, William Tidnam in 5th and Charlie Foster in 6th. A great result for William to win in the Heavyweights, as Henry Lopes Gracey behind him in his championship only managed 9th overall.

As we proceeded into the Feature Race, it was Charlie Foster making the bold moves. On lap one he made up three places to put himself into p2, sitting right behind Archie Bullard. Archie was demonstrating some of the his best driving all season as he pulled away from the field right away and then did not stop, putting distance between himself and everyone else. He eventually lapped last place with three laps to go and took the victory a massive 23 seconds clear of the rest of the field. This secured him the Championship in style, and officially made him a back-to-back SuperChamps Champion.

Further behind, Charlie Foster had a really impressive race. He was in second place and keeping the rest of the field tucked up behind him after showing some great defensive driving. He would have been joined by Antonio Sholin, however Antonio spun on the way to the grid so had to start from the back - a disaster for him as he was trying secure p2 in the championship. Charlie was joined by the same drivers as the last race, with Steve Hannon piling on the pressure this time, as well as Yaseen Khan and William Tidnam again showing that he can mix it with the lightweights. Steve made some great moves on Charlie and got ahead multiple times, but it was short lived as Charlie managed reclaim the position time and time again. Tom Brown and Leo Cusden were in a fierce duel themselves, but this allowed Antonio to sneak up on them and take them both in a single lap, ensuring him to secure p2 in the championship. Antonio was not done there, though, as he kept overtaking like he had something to prove and got all the way up to p3

In the Lightweights, it ended with Archie winning and taking the championship, Charlie Foster in p2 after a wonderful drive from him, Antonio in p3, securing his second place in the championship and Tom Brown coming home p8 securing his 3rd place Championship finish.

In the Heavyweights, William Tidnam did enough by finishing sixth overall, to take his first ever championship win, Henry Lopes Gracey in p10 but second in class allowing him second place in the championship and finally Justin Hammond in third place.


The three title contenders in the SODI Lightweight category was Jack Redfern sitting in p1 in the championship going into the last round, Matthew Turner sitting in p2 and Freddie Funnel sitting in p3.

As we got underway for the sprint race Jack Redfern knew what he had to do. He was starting in p2 from Freddie Funnel but made up that place by the end of lap 1 and then did not look back. He took the lead and stormed to victory leading every lap for the rest of the race however it was not easy he was challenged by Freddie the whole race and only finished 2 tenths in front of his rival as they crossed the line. Matthew Turner took the final spot on the podium as he started p4. He bided his time for most of the race and eventually took p3 with 2 laps to go putting himself in a great position for the championship. Fin Ions who is 4th in the championship and very close to Matthew on points was sitting in p3 for most of the race but dropped 2 positions on the final 2 laps and ended up p5. Reece Harris came home in p4 but p1 in class as the Heavyweight driver.

As we got onto the feature race it was all to play for. Jack Redfern again led from the front in a dominant display. He started in p2 but it was a repeat of the first race and by the end of lap 1 he was in the lead and did not look back. It was a carbon copy of the first race when it came to Jack and Freddie as they battled for the lead all race but Jack managed to keep Freddie behind positioning his kart exactly where it needed to be so Freddie could not pass. It ended up as they crossed the line P1 for Jack and p2 for Freddie. P3 went to Fin Ions as his position did not change all race staying in p3 but well off the battle in front as they crossed the line the rest of the field was 15 seconds behind the top 2. Alife Shrubb came home in p4 Reece Harris again showing he can mix it up with the lightweights as he was p5 and Matthew Turner in p6.

After these results it was Jack Redfern who took the championship, Matthew Turner in 2nd after drop rounds and Freddie Funnell in 3rd.

SODI Lightweight Champions

1st Place - Jack Redfern

2nd Place - Matthew Turner

3rd Place - Freddie Funnell

DMAX Lightweight Champions

1st Place - Archie Bullard 

2nd Place - Antonio Sholin

3rd Place - Tom Brown

SODI Heavyweight Champions

1st Place - Reece Harris

2nd Place - Stuart Wighton

3rd Place - Phillip Low

DMAX Heavyweight Champions

1st Place - William Tidnam

2nd Place - Henry Lopes-Gracey

3rd Place - Justin Hammond



N35-ST Final

Blake Southan hadn't raced for a couple of seasons in SuperChamps now, making a brief cameo in 2023, but he returned with a bang in the first heat of the day. His victory was both dominant and short-lived, as he was demoted into fourth through a three-place position penalty he gained for a takeout. Instead, there was a battle for the lead behind, with Neil Hampson narrowly missing out to Ned Morris by about a tenth of a second. Promoted into third was the very quick Henry Wilkes. Once again, Jacob Connellan took another really strong victory in the Heavyweights, ahead of previous championship contender Xiaofeng Yang and Stuart Middleton.

Into the second heat, Neil Hampson continued his late championship charge by taking a four second victory ahead of heavyweight Jacob Connellan. Jacob was ahead of a recovering Blake Southan, a good drive from the back of the field to be second in class. Ned Morris was quietly having a very respectable round, and continued this by taking a third place-spot, giving himself a good position on the grid for the final race of the day.

The final would be the last race of SuperChamps Season One, and it certainly delivered. Blake Southan was having an up and down round up until the final, where he put in one of the most dominant drives of the season. His fastest lap time was in the 1:02s, which was really quick given the track conditions of the day. Neil Hampson did enough to crown himself as champion in second position, with a really neat drive for Baxter Rawlings - who was able to climb up to third. In terms of the heavyweights, Jacob Connellan completed the remarkable achievement of winning every single race in the season - another one ahead of Xiaofeng Yang. Stuart Middleton was able to make his way into third place, to complete the podium.

Only one person was ever really in contention for the championship in the N35-ST Heavyweights, and that was Jacob Connellan. Jacob took a total sweep of the season, a sweep at every single one of the eight rounds. His main rival, Xiaofeng Yang, never really had the pace to match Jacob, but did improve quite considerably over the season, often finding himself battling some of the lightweight drivers. Mentions also have to go to drivers like Rohit Sharma and Stuart Middleton, who didn’t attend all of the rounds of the season but certainly made good accounts of themself in the rounds which they did do.

Despite having a disappointing first round (only scoring 49 points), Neil Hampson really showed his class to win the N35-ST Lightweights in the other seven rounds. He managed to complete some of the most impressive defensive drives we have seen in the championship throughout the course of the season, and this was enough to secure the crown by about eight points. His runner-up was another really skilled driver in Ned Morris, who took a sweep in the first round but never really climbed to those heights again, though he did manage to sneak around win in round six. Ned’s season was still a good run, managing to finish on the podium for many consecutive rounds, but not quite clinching the championship at the end. Third-placed was Baxter Rawlings. Baxter has been a regular in Superchamps for a few seasons now, and probably wants to start to challenge for the championship going forward, though his third place finish on this grid was certainly something to shout about. Honourable mentions go to regulars such as Nikodem Benonski and Toby Mawdsley, two drivers who showed really strong pace throughout the season.


Into the DMAX-GT heats, Josh Gora was able to climb to the lead and eventually take a pretty dominant victory ahead of Jack Middleton, who himself had a pretty good drive through the field. Third overall, and still well in the championship hunt, was Richard Lavender - a fantastic drive from him to get so far up a very competitive field. Next, in third for the lightweights, was Ben Tomkinson-Gray - in his attempt to secure third spot in the championship. Chris Swannell and Greg Chapman were the next two drivers in the heavyweights.

Next up was the second heat, and Ben Smiles had a really good battle with Tom Duffy - eventually getting the better of him by just a tenth of a second. It was a similarly good battle further behind, with Jason Hatley attempting to get past Josh Gora - something he was not quite able to do. Josh had to defend really hard, eventually just being able to hold on to that third spot. In the heavyweights, Greg Chapman was able to take victory - ahead of Stuart Corr and Chris Swannell, all three drivers still gunning for the championship, Greg possibly putting himself into the driving seat.

Into the final, both championships were still up for grabs, making for a very interesting fifteen minutes. In the lightweights, Jack Middleton was able to take an unbelievable victory of about nine seconds, lapping eventually within the 55’s - something only two other drivers were able to achieve throughout the entire round. Ben Smiles and Josh Gora had a really interesting battle. Eventually, Ben Smiles managed to get himself just two tenths of a second ahead of Josh - and winning the championship at the same time. In the heavyweights, Greg Chapman took a victory that was enough to secure himself the heavyweight crown - ahead of Chris Swannell and Richard Lavender.

The story of the season for the DMAX lightweights was certainly a battle between Ben Smiles and Benjamin Tomkinson-Gray, who were the protagonists for much of the season. Smiles’ championship run was categorised by pretty good consistency throughout, taking some early sweeps and round wins later on in the season as well. Unfortunately for Tomkinson-Gray, he was hit with various streaks of bad luck towards the end of the season that saw his championship tail off. This is not to say he was not deserving of third, as he had some fantastic drives throughout the season - including a couple of wins especially in the Grand Prix format, of which he is very good at. Josh Gora was also a story of consistency, and whilst he was not necessarily in the fight for the whole season his consistent podium appearances (including a streak of 4 in the second half of the season). Honourable mentions also go to Jack Middleton and Jason Hately, who showed their own skill at times in the season but could not quite get into the top three.

Our DMAX Heavyweight class was possibly one of the more competitive battles of the lot, with Greg Chapman, Richard Lavender, and Stuart Corr dominating for much of the season. Their battle was really entertaining, but it was Greg Chapman’s standout performances (five round wins) that really allowed him to build into the championship victory. Richard Lavender was well and truly in the hunt up until the final round, a driver who has really settled into the DMAX karts in his second season - getting himself into second place. Stuart Corr was the third-placed driver, someone who was consistently on the podium throughout the entire season. Chris Swannell was another driver featuring throughout the season, though not quite finding himself inside of the top three. Another mention has to go to Darren Holliday’s single appearance, where he took a round victory.

N35-ST Lightweight Champions

1st Place - Neil Hampson

2nd Place - Ned Morris

3rd Place - Baxter Rawlings

DMAX-GT Lightweight Champions

1st Place - Ben Smiles

2nd Place - Josh Gora

3rd Place - Benjamin Tomkinson-Gray

N35-ST Heavyweight Champions

1st Place - Jacob Connellan

2nd Place - Xiaofeng Yang

3rd Place - Rohit Sharma

DMAX-GT Heavyweight Champions

1st Place - Greg Chapman

2nd Place - Richard Lavender

3rd Place - Stuart Corr




It was a bright and early start for the finale of SuperChamps as the drivers looked to collect as many points as possible before the chequered flag dropped on the season. Harry Asher and Justin Elliott had already wrapped up the championships in their respective classes leaving just the final spots on the podium to fight for.

Harry Asher took pole position for the shootout as he looked to continue his dominant form even, after the championship was already decided. Luca Brooks was just five-hundredths back as he looked to take yet another win in the series. Justin Elliott was the dominant force yet again in the Heavyweight class as he claimed pole by seven-tenths and was third overall just six-tenths off Asher.

There was an epic battle between Asher and Brooks as they both looked to pick up the win. Spectators witnessed overtake after overtake as the pair battled all the way to the finish, and after a deciding drag race to the line, Asher took the win by less than a tenth, however Brooks claimed the fastest lap, which gave him the advantage for the higher-points-paying race in the feature race. Aseem Badshah finished in third place after a race with Heavyweight leader Justin Elliott, as they finished 14 seconds back off the leaders ahead.

Yet again, there was an exceptional feature race between Asher and Brooks as they continued their fierce battle from the shootout. It was another close finish, but this time Brooks managed to edge out Asher to take the win by just a couple of tenths. Elliott got the better of Badshah this time, and remarkably took his seventh race win of the season (out of eight races). Dylan Jenkins finished in second place, to secure championship runner up, with Shan Fernando in third.

After a thrilling season full of unbelievable battles, Harry Asher yet again reigned supreme to take his second consecutive SuperChamps title, after a truly dominant season. Daniel Varlan, despite his absence from the final round, picked up second place with Benjamin Dehavillande showing great consistency to finish in third. Justin Elliott totally dominated the Heavyweights, finishing in first place by 41 points, Dylan Jenkins finished behind him in second place after picking up a podium in almost every round he competed in, with the only other race winner this season, Giles Coke, picking up a well-deserved third place.

DMAX Lightweights

It was still all to race for in both the Lightweight and Heavyweight DMAX categories. James Bettison and Lee Witney each needed a good result to maintain their championship lead and claim victory.

In the Lightweights qualifying, Bettison started in the best way possible, as he took pole by three-tenths over the field. James King, who was looking to make his way up the championship, was second with Jenson Jowett in third. Currently second place in the championship, Ethan Pritchard struggled in his qualifying, and had to settle for seventh.

James King took the lead off the start of the Shootout as he looked to try and pick up as many points as he could over Pritchard. Bettison quickly regained his advantage and took back the lead after a thrilling battle with James King. Phillip Baboolal recovered from a difficult qualifying session to work his way up in contention for a podium position, but wasn't able to match the pace of the two front runners. Harry Asher,  who raced in the DMAX category for the first time, struggled with a blister on his hand, forcing him into the pitlane and  put him two laps down before he bravely continued despite the pain.

In the Feautre Race, King got a better start over Bettison as he looked to try and move his way into second place in the championship over Pritchard. Bettison, who only needed to finish the race, was still determined to push for every point as he charged back past and into the lead.

Phillip Baboolal and Jenson Jowett battled for the final step on the podium as they both fought for every points. Once he passed King for the lead, James Bettison never looked back and charged to the race win and a fastest lap, taking maximum points from the round, and did everything he needed to secure the championship.

King finished two seconds behind him in second place, and did enough to secure second place in the championship. Baboolal took the final step on the podium with Jowett not too far behind in fourth. Debutant to the series Julia Stankowiak showed some impressive pace to secure a top five finish. Despite a valiant drive after struggling with his kart, Pritchard managed third place in the championship after finishing sixth in the round.

DMAX Heavyweights

In qualifying, Sebastian Musicka took pole position by two-tenths ahead of Myles Bate.

In the Shootout, Musicka led from start to finish as he looked to give himself the best chance to clinch third place in the championship. Witney had one hand on the trophy, as he held off Myles Bates for second place. Witney's main championship rival, Justin Elliott, found himself down in eighth place after earlier contact with another driver.

In the Feature Race, Witney started from pole position, earned by setting the fastest lap of the shootout. Yet again, Musicka stole the show in the feature race and had an epic battle with Witney. Musicka showed brilliant patience as he waited for an opportunity, and took it in the most spectacular way. Musicka drove the full way round the outside of the final corner to take the lead in the final stages of the race. He managed to hold off the pressure from behind, to take his first ever race win in SuperChamps.

By finishing in second, Lee Witney did everything he needed to do to take the championship, as the Daytona veteran added another trophy to his extensive list of accolades. Myles Bate finished in third just behind the pair.  Justin Elliott delivered a brilliant drive to finish in fourth, enough to secure second  in the championship.

SODI Lightweight Champions

1st Place - Harry Asher

2nd Place - Daniel Varlan

3rd Place - Benjamin Dehavillande

DMAX Lightweight Champions

1st Place - James Bettison

2nd Place - James King

3rd Place - Ethan Pritchard 

SODI Heavyweight Champions

1st Place - Justin Elliott

2nd Place - Dylan Jenkins

3rd Place - Giles Coke

DMAX Heavyweight Champions

1st Place - Lee Witney

2nd Place - Justin Elliott

3rd Place - Sebastian Musicka 

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