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Sandown Park & Milton Keynes Enduros: 26th November

Sandown Park & Milton Keynes Enduros: 26th November

CALL US: 033 033 27870

3 Hour Team Endurance Race

It's the final opportunity this year to take part in a Daytona Endurance Race. We're hosting an endurance race on the morning of Sunday 26th November at both Daytona Milton Keynes and at Daytona Sandown Park.

Both races are 3 Hours, recommended for 2-6 drivers per team.

Succeeding in a Daytona endurance race is more than just speed. It's about teamwork, strategy, and communication. Whether you're with friends, family or colleagues, these races are your chance to show your skills and enjoy an unforgettable adventure. Get ready to race and make lasting memories!

Arrival time:

Milton Keynes: 08:00 am
Sandown Park: 08:30 am


SODI SR5 (4-stroke)
50mph top-speed.
Ages 14+ (or 12/13 year olds who have been assessed)

DMAX (2-stroke)
70mph top-speed
Intermediate/Advanced racers only.
Ages 16+


60 minutes practice
1 stop qualifying.
3 hour race.
2-6 drivers per team
5 mandatory pitstops.

Call us to book: 033 033 278 70

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