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Missing People Partner With Daytona for 2016

Missing People Partner With Daytona for 2016

Daytona Motorsport is pleased to announce that it is partnering with Missing People for 2016.

Missing People is the only charity in the UK which specialise in bringing missing children and adults back together with their families. Their helpline is open 365 days a year to provide support and advice to anyone who has left home – or who is thinking about running away – and Missing People provide a wealth of support to those who are missing as well as their families.

All of Daytona′s venues are supporting Missing People in 2016 with collection boxes, fund-raising events and promoting Child Rescue Alert sign-ups amongst our drivers.We will also be hosting a high-profile team endurance race at Daytona Milton Keynes later this Summer in aid of Missing People.

We have also lent our superb video team to Missing People and helped them to produce some promotional videos about some of their initiatives. Click here to watch one of the videos that Ben made for the charity.

Child Rescue Alerts are a nationwide and regional system designed to publicise urgent high-risk missing children cases. When you sign in at Daytona from 15th February 2016, we will ask if you would like to sign-up to receive Child Rescue Alerts in your region. The alert will take the form of a text message with a link to further information so you can help keep an eye out for a vulnerable missing child. The alerts are luckily very infrequent with only a few each year.

Missing People Partner With Daytona for 2016
Jim Graham and Jo Youle

“We are delighted to be partnering with Missing People this year and to help raise awareness and funds for this amazing organisation” says Daytona Marketing Director Jim Graham, “We aim to get as many of our drivers signed up for their Child Rescue Alerts as possible and to try to make a real difference for young people at risk.”

Jo Youle, Missing People CEO said, “I am delighted that Daytona have chosen to raise money and awareness for Missing People in 2016, inviting their staff and customers to join them in supporting some of the most vulnerable people in the UK. This partnership will make an enormous difference, helping us to be a lifeline for everyone affected by missing people in the UK.”

For more information about Missing People, click here to visit their website – and next time you race at Daytona, please help us to reach our target of 10,000 Daytona sign-ups for Child Rescue Alerts in 2016.

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