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Manchester Hosts Dare To Be Different

Manchester Hosts Dare To Be Different

Daytona Manchester hosts Dare To Be Different’s final headline event of 2016 as 100 local schoolgirls introduced to life in the fast lane

54e473e7-92e7-4f9c-8d28-feeada4009ddDare To Be Different reached the sixth stop on its inaugural nationwide tour on 15 September 2016, as 100 local schoolgirls from in and around Manchester were afforded a rare insight into life in the fast lane at Daytona Manchester.

The state-of-the-art venue – just a stone’s throw from Manchester United’s iconic Old Trafford stadium – became home to an impressive cross-section of racing cars and karts aimed at encouraging young schoolgirls from the Manchester area to consider a career in motor sport.

Team Daytona welcomed Dare to Be Different and its partners to our indoor circuit which proved to be the perfect venue – combining the exciting 450 metre tarmac, multi-level race circuit with the large hospitality and meeting areas to enable Dare To Be Different to showcase their initiative.

93e82d4d-8f09-47c2-819b-c89c7d082c59Thanks to D2BD partner Shell, a magnificent Ferrari Formula 1 show car represented the pinnacle of the sport – a first for the campaign! Meanwhile, the karting world was represented by three Super One karts, while sports cars were showcased by the hand-controlled Porsche Cayman S campaigned in the Porsche Club Championship by Nathalie McGloign – the first ever female spinal-injured driver to be granted a race licence in the UK.

“We are absolutely delighted and incredibly proud to have received such amazing support from all areas of the motor sport community, which really underscores Dare To Be Different’s burgeoning reputation and appeal,” enthused Susie Wolff, founder of the campaign. “With so many fantastic cars and karts on display, we turned heads and got the adrenaline pumping before we even began the day’s activities.  Days like this are the perfect illustration of how we can all work together for a good cause within the motor sport family.”

Daytona offers boys and girls aged 5 and over the chance to gain their first experience in motor sport with Bambino Training Modules for 5-7 year olds, plus our Race School and InKart Championships for drivers aged 8-15 – as well as Junior Arrive&Drive and Birthday Parties on our indoor and outdoor circuits just 800metres from Manchester United’s Old Trafford Stadium – and just 15 minutes from Manchester City Centre.

If you would like more information about Daytona Manchester please call us on 03303327870. For more information about Dare To be Different, please click here.

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