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Final results – Junior InKart Season 2 at Sandown Park

Final results – Junior InKart Season 2 at Sandown Park

Final Results for Junior InKart Season 2 2022

Congratulations to our winners of Junior InKart Season 2. The final took place on Saturday 24th September 2022, drawing a close to an exiting season. Well done to everyone who took part, we look forward to welcoming you back for Season 3, which starts Saturday 15th October 2022, for more racing and rivalry.

For more information on Season 3 of Junior InKart, starting Saturday 15th October and to book your child’s place, please click here

For the Final Season 2 Results, please click here

Cadet InKart Winners

1st James Malcom
2nd Charlie Bradburn
3rd Fabian Gandhok

Junior InKart Winners

1st Daniel Tredwell
2nd Max Sheldon Heywood
3rd George Lewis

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