Karting at Daytona

Daytona Boss Second Again In Birkett 6 Hour!

Following his second place in 2016, Charles Graham, Daytona CEO, joined The Breakells Racing Heroes Team for an assault on the 2017 Birkett relay.  The team of four drivers/cars took on 70 other teams on Saturday 28th of October on the Silverstone Historic Grand Prix Circuit over 6 hours.

Having come second last year the team were gunning for the number one spot this year and all looked good over the first half of the race as the team led for the first three hours.

A couple of mechanical breakdowns, a couple of collisions and a penalty relegated the team to third but they fought their way back to second at the end of the 6 hours.

Charles commented “We will have to come back next year and try again for the win ”. The Daytona Boss moves on to the Race Of Remembrance next which takes place in Anglesey on the 10th and 11th of November where he will be defending last year’s Heroes Cup win alongside teammate Wade Eastwood driving for Datum Motorsport.

“The Race Of Remembrance has been extended to 12 hours this year and is becoming an important race in the endurance calendar. We’re looking forward to depending and hope that the racing gods are with us again this year”.

Link to Birkett Relay Official Results



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