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All of our circuits have exciting special offers available all day on August bank Holiday Monday. 

Our outdoor circuits in Tamworth, Milton Keynes and Esher are all offering 20% off Sodi Open Races and Arrive&Drive for adults and 20% off Junior Arrive&Drive for 8-15 year olds – whilst our indoor circuit in Manchester has Arrive&Drive all day for just £20 inc VAT!

You can book online now or call us on 03303327870 to take advantage of these offers and we do recommend that you book as early as possible as spaces are limited. When you book an Arrive&Drive or an Open Race at any daytona circuit, we include everything you need. We provide drivers with racesuits, helmets and gloves – we even provide you with a complimentary helmet liner (although you can upgrade to a smart cotton balaclava thats yours to keep for just £3).

We also provide drivers with lap time printouts so that you can see who was the fastest driver in your group. At our Open Races, we award trophies to the top three drivers on the podium – and post a celebration picture on the circuit’s Facebook Page.

So don’t delay – book your Bank Holiday visit to Daytona now.

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