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Alex Brundle Joins TW Steel DMAX Grid

Alex Brundle Joins TW Steel DMAX Grid

Alex Brundle, Le Mans and Daytona 24 Hours driver, is joining the TW Steel light Enduro Grid for Round 1 at Daytona Milton Keynes this weekend.

Alex, son of Sky F1′s Martin Brundle, has raced a couple of Daytona DMAX rounds before but this year he found time in his busy schedule to make it to the first round and will be joining both experienced and new TW Steel DMAX Endurance racers at Daytona Milton Keynes.

There are five spaces left in the Light Endurance Class for this Sunday. Call Mark on 033 033 27870 – option 9 if you want to join Alex on the grid for the UK′s fastest Arrive&Drive race series.

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